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By Students, For Students.

Koh-Ed is a registered non-profit association run entirely by students.
Yes, you read that right. We're organized, managed, planned, and coordinated entirely by students, for students.

While our membership fluctuates, we’re currently comprised of around 50 youth, spread across two associated schools. Collectively, we’re all united by a single, crucial, belief: That together, we can improve the world. That we can provide opportunity for all. That we can help you, as an aspiring student, realize your goals.

Image by Milad Fakurian

Federico Hussein

Communication, HR


Rohan Patel

Finance, Marketing & IT


Clementine Shelsky


Image by Milad Fakurian

Alexis Missoffe

Foyer de Grenelle

Image by Scott Webb

Aya Maurenda

Centre Animomes

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