New learning opportunity at Animores!
Dans le cadre des cours de sciences de notre centre éducatif d'Animomes, les enseignants de Koh Ed ont organisé une activité de...
New learning opportunity at Animores!
Tech-Tuesday at Centre Animomes!
Koh-Ed's Values
Koharantine Updates
Science Lessons at Foyer de Grenelle
Arts et Métiers Field Trip
English Youth at Foyer de Grenelle
Koh-Ed's Programs
Koh-Ed is in ISP!
Mr. Gregory's South-Eastern Europe Trip comes to an end
Third Update on China Trip to Shalin School of Martial Arts 25/10
Second Update on China Trip to Shalin School of Martial Arts 24/10
October China trip to Shaolin School of Martial Arts (in preparation to the summer China trip)
Yohan and Mr. Gregory in Ghana!
Mr. Gregory teaching in Bosnia
Award Winners!
Koh-Ed Awards Ceremony
Mr. Gregory's Bike Trip: Venice to Ljubljana
Koh-Ed Mad Scientist Birthday Parties
Koh-Ed Experiment Fest 13/09/2019