Dear all,
Greetings from Ghana!
Yesterday we went to a village school in Wudzedeke where we taught science experimentation. It was different from our previous schools because we taught in city schools where students were comfortable with English. Here, we had a slight language barrier for some classes, but overall, everything went amazingly. We taught fourth graders to eighth graders. We also met the village chief and had a meeting with him.
Today, we went to the Dzodze Senior High School where we taught 9 classes in total. Once again, it was a total success! It was the best school that we taught at so far in terms of student enthusiasm and participation. We taught students aging from 10 to 20.
In the evening, there was a beach right next to Christoffer's sister's house, which is is where we are lodging, so we looked around a bit. Tomorrow, it is planned for us to swim at the Keta beach after teaching at the Keta Senior High School where we have 12 classes in total planned.
Normally we have 3 time periods in which during one time period we have 3 or 4 classes going on simultaneously. Often times, one or two Ghana members teach per class.
I hope you have a nice evening and thank you for keeping up to date.
Anna Koh
P. S. Here is the link to all the photos. I have updated the latest photos.