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Koh-Ed Ghana Trip: St. Francis Demonstration School & St. Francis education of College


Updated: Aug 25, 2019

Dear all, 

Greetings to you all!

The past weekend, we had a lovely time in Keta where we enjoyed the beach side. 

On Monday, we moved to Hohoe where we taught at the St. Francis Demo School to primary and middle school students. We did 12 classes in total that day in which we did 11 science experimentation classes and one creative English class. We started the meetings with the principle at around 6: 30 and then moved on to teaching classes. 

On Tuesday, we taught at the St. Francis college of education which is right next to the Demo school. Often times, future teachers in training intern at the demo school to get more experience and to  learn how to teach. We taught from 8 a.m. -12 p.m. to 4 different classes. The college students were fascinated by our hands on science lessons and were eager to try it out in the future. From 3-5 p.m. we joined in on a college class where groups of students taught their peers who were pretending to be 3rd grade students. The aim was to practice co-teaching and we were fortunate enough to participate in the class. We saw examples of other groups who presented 20 minute classes. The teachers and students commented on the good things they did as well as things they could improve on. Alice, Yohan, Mahé,  and I split into pairs and also presented our science classes. The teachers and students were very inspired and they all showed great interest in demonstrating the experiments we did to the rest of the school as well. 

I hope everyone has a great evening! I will keep you posted. Thank you. 


Anna Koh

PS here are the links for the photos. 

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