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Koh-Ed Ghana Trip: Mawuko Girls School


Dear all, 

Greetings from Ghana once more! 

Today we have taught at an all girls high school called Mawuko Girls School. We taught all morning for 4 periods. During each period we split into 3 classes with two teachers each.We did the pinhole experiment, cardscope, pressure, and mathematics. 

The girls were so friendly and eager to learn and we all bonded very well. 

In the afternoon, we were requested to meet with the regional director of education to share our project,  so we had a formal meeting. They welcome d us very generously and we discussed the long term impact we could make and the how we could assess our impact once we are back in Paris. They were very supportive of our association and were delighted to help us in any way possible.  Tomorrow we will be leaving for the village school in Wudezeke at 6am in the morning. We will teaching primary students for 3 consecutive periods just like today. Afterwards, we will be going to Dzodze in the evening which is another city in the Volta region.  Thank you for keeping up to date with our Ghana trip and we will update you once more tomorrow. Have a nice evening. 

Yours sincerely,  Anna Koh P. S. We have added more photos to from today - Teaching at Mawuko Girls High School & Meeting with the director of education of the Volta region

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