Alice Decugis is Co-Founder and President of Koh-Ed, actively teaching, and overseeing the education branch of the association.
Upon its inception, Alice began her work in Koh-Ed as an English teacher alongside fellow founder Anna Koh. Together, they provided hands-on English classes at the local community center, Foyer de Grenelle. As Koh-Ed expanded, Alice oversaw the creation of our English and Science classes at the local Animômes youth center. Alongside Anna and the executive leadership team, Alice also ensured the organization of our 2020 Foyer de Grenelle SummerCamp. Overseeing our classes at Animômes, she continues to teach Science, English, and Debate, also administering our Foyer De Grenelle historical debate workshop. She also participates in minor educational projects and was an active member of the Ghana and CERN Koh-Ed projects.
When not working on Koh-Ed, Alice enjoys skiing, fencing, and rollerskating. She currently lives in Paris, but looks forward to continuing Koh-Ed in university!